Once you have created an account, the next step will be to connect your social accounts to begin posting. Users have the option to connect to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or all (3) three.
To connect your Facebook Page, in a separate tab in your browser, you will need to log into the Facebook account that you would like Post Cafe to connect to. Just a reminder, Post Cafe can ONLY connect to Business Pages and not Personal Pages.
Once you are logged into the account you’d like Post Cafe to connect to, go back to Post Cafe, and click, ‘Connect Facebook’. Post Cafe will pull all Facebook Business Pages associated to that account. If you have multiple pages, you must choose (1) one page to connect to. If you’d like to connect multiple pages, you will need individual Post Cafe accounts for those pages.
This same process goes for Twitter and LinkedIn. Once you are logged into the account you’d like Post Cafe to connect to in a separate tab, go back to Post Cafe and click, ‘Connect Twitter’ and ‘Connect LinkedIn’.