19 Articles
What Industries Does Post Cafe Service?
Can I post to both my personal profile and business page?
How Do I Connect My Social Accounts?
Can I preview posts before they are published?
Does Post Cafe Automate Emails or Newsletters?
4 Articles
Social Accounts
Can I hook up my personal profile on Facebook?
Post Cafe ROCKS on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn – can you help with other social channels?
How do I change my connected social media accounts?
How Do I Connect My Social Accounts?
3 Articles
Content Hub
Who sees my sponsored articles?
What website are my sponsored articles on?
How often are you posting content on my page?
4 Articles
It’s so cheap…can I get more posts?
Can I cancel at any time?
My account is incomplete! Will posts go out anyway? Will I still be charged?
When will you charge my card?