Does your content currently fulfill the needs of your customers in all stages of their homebuying cycle? The only way to reach the right prospects, in the right place, at the right time, is to strategically create and optimize content that matches a searcher’s intent. This strategy, called content mapping for Realtors, is the intricate process of how to deliver the right content.
Without a map, you’ll be lost.
What is Content Mapping
As you may already know, what you publish on social media is not a one-size-fits-all answer. Sure, you may have insights on who they are and what they like, but do you really know what they’re looking for and how to get them to click? The only way to align your posts closely with consumer’s needs and captivate an audience is to strategically produce high-quality content.
Content mapping for Realtors is a way to fine tune this strategy and categorize content based on various groups. Groups can include categories such as content type, descriptions, keywords, topic, audience and more. This not only makes it easy to organize but also ensures that important moments don’t pass you by.
Content Mapping for Realtors: Categorize Customers
Realtors already know that homebuyers always go through a cycle when looking to purchase a home. Let’s break down the content map for categorizing those customers in their buying/owning/selling process (with examples). It looks a little something like this:
1. Dreamer (Thinking about their dream home)
When creating content for customers in the initial stages of the homebuying process, publish useful, educational articles such as “first-time homebuyer” how-to guides, trending home topics and comparing the benefits of buying vs renting.
2. Initiator (Getting ready to buy)
Your prospect is researching details such as loan options, how to qualify for a loan, mortgage calculators, property taxes, new construction and other housing trends. Since they’re in the consideration stage, they are also likely to be looking information about your competitors and make comparisons. Give them all the credible content so they don’t even think about looking elsewhere.
3. Shopper (Searching for a home online and in person)
This prospect has already been approved and they’re serious about finding a home. Now. Don’t miss this hot opportunity to capture their attention with home inspection guides, schools, HOA information, and most importantly, why they can trust you, as a real estate professional, to help them find their first home.
4. Negotiator (Ready to make an offer)
Let’s get serious. It’s time to talk negotiation skills, everything you need to know about home buying wars and dissecting a contract.
5. Closer (Ready to sign the line)
Now is your opportunity to boost awareness through engaging content. Your prospect just found a new home, they’re excited and probably willing to share useful articles with their friends and family that express how they feel. Post information about local events in the area, write about local businesses, activities for kids and community events; anything to add to the excitement in this stage.
6. Mover (Time to pack up and make the move)
Once they’ve signed the dotted line, don’t lose their attention. Answer common relocation questions, packing hacks, moving with kids, moving with pets and transferring utilities. Be helpful and stay top-of-mind throughout the entire process.
7. Owner (Managing property)
At this stage, prospects expect content that adds value to their purchase. Offer tips on trending home décor, saving energy, home renovations, landscaping and when to refinance. Don’t lose them now!
8. Seller (Selling or renting home number one, ready to dream about home number two)
There’s a good reason you didn’t overlook step six and seven. If you’ve been providing trusted information so far, they’re going to come to you for more when they’re ready to sell. The seller is thinking about topics such as staging a home, maximizing curb appeal, and learning about common pitfalls of selling a home (and how to avoid them).
9. Dreamer 2.0 (Cycle repeats itself)

From the dreamer to the seller, do you have content for customers in each stage?
Dreamer 2.0 is looking for home number two. They may be researching other topics like what to look for in a vacation or retirement home, qualifying for a second loan or researching information on becoming a landlord if they choose to rent out their first home.
Since it’s clear that your prospects’ expectations differ depending on where they fall within the above cycle, it only makes sense to produce content that speaks to them in each of those stages. Every stage is just as important as the next. Don’t miss out.
Post Café Delivers Content Mapping for Realtors
Content mapping for realtors will help you get organized and create topics that will best match the searcher’s intent. Each stage of that cycle should have content that directly speaks to your audience in that moment and at Post Café, we’re here to make it easy for you.
As a successful real estate agent, you already know that your bandwidth is usually a limiting factor. Learn to get help where you need it, relax and let us handle all the content for you.
Call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more about how to use this powerful tool to your fullest advantage.