Color Outside the Lines: Simple Ways To Enhance Facebook for Business

Color Outside the Lines: Simple Ways To Enhance Facebook for BusinessThe only thing that really differentiates your company’s service or product from the competition is your creativity and innovative thinking. So, instead of asking questions like, “Why don’t we…?” and saying things like, “We should really do this, that and the other…” get inspired with these tips to start marketing outside-the-lines with Facebook for business.

“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination.” — Albert Einstein

Be Courageous

Creativity can take some courage. Ok, it takes a lot of courage. Fear of failure and criticism are the enemies of creative thought- they can both hijack new ideas and literally stop you in your tracks. Businesses who color inside the lines simply because of that fear, forego the opportunity to be curious and explore new possibilities for their business.

These tips are sure to spark some creative thoughts, so grab your 64-count crayon box and start coloring (outside the lines, of course).

Share Interesting Articles

Content is the most important piece of the picture to consider when using social media as a way of promoting your business. Don’t spam your audience with posts only self-promoting. Rather, share interesting articles that links back to your brand in some way.

Find and Follow

In business, getting bogged down by set patterns can make for a nasty mental block. Find and follow other social media influencers in the same industry… and then network with them on a regular basis. You never know where you’ll find the inspiration for your next post.


Get out of that cookie-cutter rut and customize your business Facebook Page as much as you can. Make sure the photos you use relate well with your brand’s image to help with brand recognition, claim your custom URL, add a targeted call-to-action button, make reviews visible and play around with the tabs and apps.

Just Ask

Make your audience feel welcome by acknowledging them. Share authentic blog posts — you must give inspiration to receive it. Then ask your customers to engage with you: invite them to comment, share the posts on their own platforms or click on a link.

Get Visual

Want to go viral? Make your content visually appealing to resonate with your customers. Find inspiration in nature- nature and colors are well known for their rejuvenating powers. Or get out of your head with exercise, which has also been proven to stimulate new thought patterns.

“Whenever I have found myself stuck in the ways I relate to things, I return to nature. It is my principal teacher, and I try to open my whole being to what it has to say.” — Wynn Bullock

Experience Post Café

Facebook for business can be tricky, but it can also be a creative way to interact with your audience and grow your business. You must experiment, play and be curious about everything. And remember to look for lessons in failures and criticism…it happens; don’t take it personally. See it for what it is, grab another color crayon and just keep coloring!

Don’t have time to DIY? There’s a vast world of possibilities out there in all that blank space outside the lines, let the experts at Post Café help you start your journey with the content you need to; call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more!

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