How Much Is A Facebook “Like” Really Worth? Why Your Business Seriously Needs to Be On Facebook

With the number of users on social media growing by the minute, Facebook continues to be the place to be. 80% of marketers are using the platform to reach customers who are using the site every single day to stay connected with friends, family and the brands they love. But, you may be wondering, how much is a Facebook “Like” really worth? Need some convincing?

These must-see stats clearly show why all small businesses should be on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Feel free to share it with your sales team, in your next presentation with the partners or just as your own personal reference.

Facebook “Like” Stats that Will Blow Your Mind

How will your posts stand out?

Get Facebook Likes with Post Café

Basically, if you’re not using the platform, you’re handing your competitors a bright, shiny golden ticket (called your customers). Don’t have time to generate the professional content needed to post on Facebook? Let the experts at Post Café help you start your social media journey; call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more!

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