Even if you already have an account set up, it pays to refresh your strategy and keep up with the trends. Here are 6 strategies that will help you drive business and engage communities through even the nosiest of newsfeeds.
6 Strategies on Twitter for Small Businesses
1. Optimize
Every post should be optimized with the correctly-sized image, compelling copy, clear call-to-action, and links. Add #hashtags and @mentions wherever it’s relevant and avoid zero-value posts at all costs (you know the ones…those lacking substance that don’t get any traction).
2. Offer Value
Today’s audience is tough. They’re faced with a lot of noise and they have a very short attention span (shorter than a goldfish). Keep messages simple and straightforward to captivate them. Then hold their attention with a variety of valuable social media content that encourages engagement (and keeps them coming back for more).
3. Persuade
To persuade someone to buy your product or use your service, you first need to know what drives their decisions. What are their pain points, their concerns, their passions, their interests…and how can you help? These insights will help you develop the copy that conveys urgency yet orchestrates powerful brand benefits.
4. Monitor
Trends shift quickly, so it pays to stay up-to-date on what’s happening, now. According to Edelman’s Trust Barometer 2017, friends and family are more influential on the internet than brands; so, start monitoring social media conversations to get influencers on board. Set up alerts for your brand name and related keywords, monitor relevant hashtags and keep key influencers on a list to watch them closely.
5. Help
Nothing will lose your social media fans faster than a hard sell. According to HubSpot research, your customers desire entertainment, information, and resources that will benefit them. Think about it, you can’t build a lasting relationship by focusing only on yourself.
So, instead of worrying about how you can sell your product or service, think about how you can help.
6. Stay on Trend
Don’t just stay current with trending industry topics but be in-the-know with all other social media opportunities that can benefit your small business marketing efforts. From trending hashtags to the anticipated launch of Twitter’s Live Video Broadcast, you have the power to rise above the noise (and your competition) right at your fingertips.
Moving Forward on Twitter for Small Businesses
Feeling overwhelmed? There’s no need to be. Here’s what you can do to move forward:
- Just pick one. It’s best to establish a consistent schedule and build a strong following on one platform rather than spreading yourself too thin and “going dark.” Start with Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn and grow from there.
- Be patient. Results won’t happen overnight; it requires time and effort. Set aside 30 minutes each week to implement one tip from the above. In six weeks, you’ll be able to track the improvements in your refreshed social media marketing efforts.
- Short on time? Don’t be afraid to get the help you need with content creation and social postings.
Leave it to the experts at Post Café; our in-house writers understand the kind of content your clients are interested in (we do our research) and our articles are guaranteed to get your fans to click. Call us at 732-218-9377 to learn more today.